东莞剑道|【特别策划】Donyea Davenport: Self Confidence

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✦ 东莞一心剑道馆剑士自述选录(三) 

Donyea Davenport: Self Confidence


自述者:Donyea Davenport,一心馆美籍剑士,剑道三段



▲Donyea Davenport,剑道三段

What are some benefits of practicing kendo? The more you look at this question, the more reasons you will find. What I want focus on in this article is self confidence. When you practice kendo and make a commitment to practice on a regular basis, you will find that many other things seem to fall into place. One good reason for that is a growing confidence in self.




Imagine that you have never done any real physical activity in your life. You go to the dojo and start practicing footwork but can’t do it. Following that you swing a shinai and you can do it. You do the basic warm-up and can’t make it through. Then after a your second class you can do the basic footwork at an elementary level. You find that you just needed to relax a bit and you can swing the shinai well enough. You can make it through more of the warm-up as your body is starting to adjust.  You tell yourself this is not as difficult as I thought.  Your thought process may go like this: “its impossible but I will try” turns into “I think can do somethings” turns into “I can do most things” and finally “I must and will do most things.”



A great quote for this feeling is from Miyamoto Musashi who stated, “It may seem difficult at first, but all things are difficult at first.” This mindset will be something that you can’t turn off.  This confidence in yourself tends follow into school, work, and human relationships. The main reason is you will find yourself able to relax in most situations that used to cause you panic. A second reason is you will have built up an ability to problem solve and make decisions decisively. This is just one small benefit from kendo practice. 




Thank you.


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